
Model Time Machine

Scroll through time to discover future model states

Travel through time

Portfolio Manager gives Sparx Enterprise Architect users a way to travel through time.

Scroll forwards and your architecture landscape diagrams reflect the additions, changes and deletions planned for implementation at each date – changes planned by all the projects that are delivering during the period.

All the data is accessible in EA, created and stored by Portfolio Manager. The EA Time Machine is one of the benefits of using Portfolio Manager for EA model version control – modelling all your projects in a single EA repository.

For more information on how to build your time machine – see the Help article: Time machine

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We offer a variety of mentoring and consultancy options, as well as structured training and workshops, to support you with the skills you need to use Sparx EA efficiently in your business. Our goal is to bring clarity to your modelling, share solutions and equip you with insights, so that you can use the software more effectively. We already work with clients, both small and large and across many different industries, including the likes of Vodafone and KPMG.

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Take a free, no obligation, 30-day trial of Portfolio Manager. Portfolio Manager is part of eaTeamWorks, so you can also trial eaDocX, Revision Manager, eaSheets and Model Expert. Plus free for life modeling features. Discover for yourself the difference that Portfolio Manager real-time impact analysis will make to your EA modelling.
